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11-14 may | an open interactive video broadcasting will be organized on the site. Everybody is welcome!
RSHU - House of Russian Government
( history )

In 2000 MediaArtLab (direction of Soros Center of Contemporary Art) functions as an independent organization

Information and research Center
MediaArtLab is engaged in theoretical and practical experiment targeted on introduction of the ideology, philosophy and aesthetics of 'new technological art' into professional context of Russian contemporary art.
Working groupe:
Alexei Isaev - leader [media artist, theorist]
Olga Shishko - curator [specialist in new technology art]
Tatiana Gorucheva - coordinator [historian of art]

First initiative (1993-1994)
Symposium "NewMediaLogia"

Second initiative: Pro&Contra

International Simposium "NewMediaLogia"
The artist in the world of the new technologies Ways and results of interactivity
November, 1994
Curators of the lecture course: Olga Shishko, Tatyana Mogilevskaya, Anatoly Prochorov, Kathy Rae Huffman
Organizers: Soros Center for Contemporary Arts, Moscow; "ORTA" Company, Moscow; Institute of Technology Art; Association of the new screen technologies of the Union of the Cinema workers; Russian State Tele-Radio-broadcasting Company; with support and under the aegis of Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation.

Program "New Media Art in Russia":
Vladimir Levashov, Tatyana Mogilevskaya - Media-art in the exhibitions and artistic events. Moscow, 1993-1994
Vladimir Mogilevsky - Practice in the New Media Art Lab, Moscow
Alla Mitrofanova, Sankt-Petersburg - Strategies of subjectivity and new media
Tatyana Didenko - Video - artist - television
Anatoly Prochorov - The history of Russian theory of the new technologies. 1989-1994
Oleg Aranson - Dziga Vertov, Alexander Dovzhenko and perspectives of computer animation
Alexei Orlov - Russian video: Peculiar features, aesthetics, constructions, sense
Sergei Novoseltsev - The history of the technical development of video and computer studios in Russia
Eugeny Peskin - Hypertext, nets, communication projects
Kathy Rae Huffman, Austria - USA - A Western view on the development of the Russian new media art
Michail Kamensky - Marshall McLuhan and Pavel Florensky 

"Theoretical, philosophical and technical aspects of new media functioning"
Lev Manovich, USA - An archaeology of a computer screen
Geert Lovink, Holland - A general view of hypertext and hypermedia
Erkki Huhtamo, Finland - The historical roots of interactive art
Louis Bec, France - Structure and contents of the educational programs in the field of art and technology
Ryszard Kluszczynski, Poland - Interactive art: problems and perspectives
George Legredy, Hungary - USA - Interface metaphors in the digital archive
Michail Kuznetzov - Virtual reality. Hypertext versus text
Jolanta Ciesielska, Poland - Media-active; some notes about virtual reality (freedom or limitation)
Alexei Orlov - Computografy and multimedia; virtual aspects
Sergei Gurko - Virtual reality and the phonetic alphabet

Presentation of western media festivals:
Katarina Gsolpointner, Austria. "Ars Electronica"; Maria Pallier, Spain. "Infographic Bilbao"; Piotr Krajevskij, Poland. "WRO" festival; Alfred Rotert, Germany. "Osnabruck European Media Art Festival"; Erkki Huhtamo, Finland. "ISEA'94" and the "MUU Media Festival"; Andre Iten, Switzerland. "Saint Gervais Geneve" 

main page | idea | structure | program | participants | registration | organizers | history
| info | education | technology
| cd-rom | net-art | exhibitions
Editor - Olga Goryunova, Web-Master - Igor Gerasimenko 
Author of the project - Alexei Isaev, curator - Olga Shishko, coordinator - Tatiana Gorucheva
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© MediaArtLab 2000