your choice your choice
11-14 may | an open interactive video broadcasting will be organized on the site. Everybody is welcome!
RSHU - House of Russian Government


Institutional cultural policy plays the decisive role in formation of dominant tendencies, methods and status of art creation. New methods of creation, presentation and distribution of cultural product and creative cooperation between all participants of cultural data exchange (authors, audience, organizers, and theorists) demand new institutional strategies and tactics. It is necessary to establish electronic art centers, work out educational programs and projects to finance and support creative initiatives in this field, since more and more artists and other cultural activists try to find the most effective method of solving their creative tasks with the help of new technologies. However, art community often criticizes methods used by universities, foundations and some other organizations. Open discussion of initiatives ‘from below’ and methods of their support ‘on the top’ is the focus of reports and discussions of this panel.

Presentation of media centers’ activities
Institutional strategies of media culture support and development
The role of media centers in cultural policy formation (presentation of art media labs from countries of the former UIS and Eastern Europe, discourse on their projects and possible forms of future cooperation, experience exchange with Western media institutions)
Museum policy in electronic and digital art
New methods of presentation of modern culture, art and media technologies interaction forms.

Raivo Kelomees, E-Media Center, Academy of fine art of Estonia, Tallinn
Rasa Smite & Raitis Smits, Ieva Auzina, Media center of electronic arts E-LAB, Riga
Alexei Isaev, Olga Shishko, Tatiana Gorucheva, MediaArtLab, Moscow
Nomada Urboniene & Gediminas Urbonas [JUTEMPUS], tvvv.plotas, Vilnius
Katya Stoukalova, Media Lab of Kiev Center of Modern Art, Kiev
Katherine Liberovskaya, Studio XX, Quebec, Canada
Inke Arns, mikro.lounge, Berlin
Svetlana Ostrova, Alexei Shulgin, Pro Arte Media Center Program, St. Petersburg
Alla Mitrofanova, CyberFeminClub, St. Petersburg
Andrei Smirnov, Termen Center, Moscow
Konstantin Mitenev, St.Petersburg, ‘Next Media, or digital revolutionization of actual culture in St.Petersburg’.

Media and New Educational Models: reports, presentations, discussion.
Moderators - Raivo Kelomees, E-Media Center of Art Academy, Tallinn, and Nikolai Selivanov, RSHU, Moscow

Raivo Kelomees, Estonia: 'Media artist and an expert in multimedia. Skills, need for expression and technology'
Kathy Rae Huffman, USA: ‘Cross-disciplinary program - innovation of American digital education today’. Presentation of student works (Electronic media-art and communication department, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, USA)
Nikolai Selivanov (RSHU): “‘The Memory’ and ‘The Project’ - diachronic temporacy of a new educational medium. New specializations of the world history department of RSHU”
Svetlana Ostrova, St.Petersburg, and Alexei Shulgin, Moscow: ‘ProArte and new program of media education’
Yuri Voronkov, Serguei Kouvshinov (RSHU): ‘New technologies and education: comprehension of dangers and search for possible decisions’
Serguei Shekhovtsov (RSHU): ‘Intellectual and informational medium. Intellectual and educational medium?’

Presentation of educational programs and projects of RSHU Media Institute

Alexander Vasiliev, Zakhar Asoyan, ‘Peculiarities of professional educational program for ‘Journalism of the Internet medium’ specialization
Vladimir Gloukhov, Nikolai Maximov, ‘Portals of scientific data. Organization and use’
Petr Shoultsman, Irina Yakovleva, Olga Bal, ‘Creation of educational programs based cinema, video and photo archives of Higher Party School in RSGU (on CD, VHS, Betacam)
Marina Goncharova, Pavel Matushechkin, ‘Use of Higher Party School Archives for creation of Net technology computer programs (electronic database).

The hour of an open discussion with the Net community
An open video broadcasting on the Net will allow many users to join the work of the symposium. Part of working time will be given for free exchange of opinions and answers on questions put online. It’s possible to enter the interactive conference via our site

Expected participants of the discussion and presentation
Josef Bakstein, Contemporary Art Institute, director; Asya Silaeva, Summer Academy, director; Irina Alpatova, Center for Contemporary Art Research, director; Nikolai Nikishin, Laboratory of museum projecting of RAS Culturology Institute; Dora Roudakova, IATP Program, coordinator for educational projects; Vladimir Kinelev, UNESCO Information Technology Institute of Russian Academy of Education; Tatiana Selivanova, Institute of Art Education of RAE, information technology department, executive; Larisa Bazhenova, Laboratory of screen technologies of Institute of Art Education; Serguei Zujev, Moscow Higher School for Social and Economic Sciences, department of culture management, dean.

Forms and priority directions of project supporting in media art, culture and education - presentation and round table discussion
Moderator - Olga Shishko

Expected participants:
Jan Hesseling, Embassy of the Netherlands; Semen Mousher, Soros Open Society Institute, the Internet Program; Alexei Lebedev, Soros Open Society Institute, the Internet and Culture Program; Elena Kolovskaya, ProArte Culture and Art Foundation; Ronald Graetz, Goethe Institute; representatives of French Cultural Center, UNESCO, Soros Foundation, and others.

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Editor - Olga Goryunova, Web-Master - Igor Gerasimenko 
Author of the project - Alexei Isaev, curator - Olga Shishko, coordinator - Tatiana Gorucheva
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