your choice your choice
11-14 may | an open interactive video broadcasting will be organized on the site. Everybody is welcome!
RSHU - House of Russian Government

Nomeda & Gediminas Urbanis [JUTEMPUS]
Media artists 
education Soviet Army, Lithuania, Austria; JUTEMPUS interdisciplinary art programmes;projects/collaborations/miscellaneous
launchof jutempus at “Smart Show”, Stockholm;1994 Order of Presence”, young lithuanian art scene, MUU ry gallery, Helsinki; 1994 young art scene from Finland curated by MUU ry; 1994 “Marginal Gaze”. young lithuanian art scene; 1995 illegal vodka production in collaboration with J. & J.Vaiteknas; 1995 “Body Dimenssion” international performance art festival; 1996 illegal vodka production in collaboration with J. & J.Vaiteksnas; 1996 “Contemporary Russian Art” in collaboration with Timur Novikov; 1997 “GroundControl”book, website, symposium, exhibition, Vilnius- London-Geitshed “jutempuslounge” during “Lithuanian Art’97”, Contemporary Art Center; 1998 “Sutemos/Twilight”, jutempus project, Contemporary Art Centre, Vilnius; 1998 “Pepinieres”, jutempus project. Union fraternelle des metallurgistes, Paris, France; 1999“Lithuanian Art: 1989-1999” Contemporary Art Centre, Vilnius, Lithuania; 1999“Butas’99” site specific project, Vilnius, Lithuania; 1999“NL-LT” contemporary Lithuanian-Dutch art at Begane Grond Contemporary art center, Utrecht, Holland; 1998/99 “tvvv.plotas” interdisciplinary research project using television, videoconference, net-cast; 1999“XU-BIN” conference of art and communication, Architects Union, E- labRiga; 1999 “CHANGING THE SYSTEM?” symposium of contemporary art, NAI Rotterdam, The Netherlands; 1999 “TEMP”, tactical media project at Kiasma Contemporary Art museum, Helsinki, Finland.

"tvvv.plotas" development:
"tvvv.plotas" was planned as a interdisciplinary and participatory process where thought/speech/discussion are the materials of the work and media is used as part of language as well as a place to infiltrate; idea of behaving like an explorer and examining and mapping this invisible territory of messages to make them visually and aurally visible and discussed; with all the strategy based on several parts including TV broadcast, videoconference, chat, meetings it counts not a work but the invisible, social network aspect which is different from the simple broadcast on TV; the model of "tvvv.plotas" has become a balancing act between mediated and "direct" reality.

Stuart Hall: "identity is not in the past to be found, but in the future to be constructed." jutempus, strategy, ways of organizing, new place: providing general medium of communication which will allow users to describe their desires for a specific tools. jutempus from the start is not simply the place to be but a process to be engaged with. That's why its been constant troubles with spaces, on the other hand, space implies ownership, which might become very dominating in specific context we are in, i.e. shift from socialism to capitalism. That's where it comes the interest of jutempus in the role of art in social transformation! It's very easy to cement social organization around Programs, but harder to preserve looser bonds - loyalties, trust, a certain faith. If interface is a form of art, then we search for a model of social interface where the 'burden design of system and specification' is transferred to the user.
We consider this model as a tool to represent the natural world to ourselves by creating such instruments for "questioning of nature" to allow as to develop a "language of inquiry", to be able to navigate between the social, urban, architectural spaces and the media-scape, to contextualize the present via key moments of the past.

Edward Said : "The threat to independence in the late twentieth century from the new electronics could be greater than was colonialism. The new media have the power to penetrate more deeply into a 'receiving' culture than any previous manifestation of Western technology." so if we are facing the choice between two perspectives: merging (progressive) and diffusion (regressive), we choose in between: the LEARNING. The model we are constructing is to be part of the infiltration to education system. 
such an initiative is based on collaboration and network; it is united by the discussion, not a space;
it is model of cultural economy, model of barter and share;
collaboration and support are the values, not competition and racing;
the aim is to create for a human intellect, not for an art mafia or `common corporate interests;

we start to work in two direction now:
1. "white stockings" [fictitious Russian media invention of non-existing battalion of female snipers from Baltic's] program devoted to develop a framework for research of women situation analysis in collaboration with different specialists from various fields [without exclusion of gender, race, politics, religion];
2. "TA" [virtual table for transaction analysis]- complex environment for the research of possible concerns in nowadays psychical health of Lithuanians and the historical self victimization.

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Editor - Olga Goryunova, Web-Master - Igor Gerasimenko 
Author of the project - Alexei Isaev, curator - Olga Shishko, coordinator - Tatiana Gorucheva
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