your choice your choice
11-14 may | an open interactive video broadcasting will be organized on the site. Everybody is welcome!
RSHU - House of Russian Government

Work group:
Alexei Isaev - chief and author of the project
Olga Shishko - curator of the project and curator of the conference "Pro&Contra" (Media Consciousness / Contemporary Art / Media Technology)
Tatiana Gorucheva - coordinator of the project and curator of the conference "Pro&Contra" (Media Consciousness / Contemporary Art / Media Technology)
Milena Shilkina - assistant of the coordinator of the project
Irina Romanova - coordinator of events which are taking place in RSHU
Olga Rumyanzeva - PR manager
Olga Gorunova - editor of the site
Igor Gerasimenko - web master
Vadim Guschin - provider's support

Ivan Zassursky - curator of presentations and round tables «Art of campaigns», “State. Information. Internet”
Nikolai Selivanov, Raivo Kelomees (Estonia)
- curators of the direction “Media environment and new educational models”
Maksim Kononenko - curator and coordinator of the direction "Electronic mass media and media culture".
Kathy Rae Huffman (USA - AUSTRIA), Georgy Pachikov - curators of the open discussion “VRML-Art”
Konstantin Bohorov - curator of the
direction “Contemporary artist and new media. A look from Russia
Tetsuo Kogawa - Micro-radio: party - workshop
Alexei Shulgin - moderator of presentations of the network projects “Art'n'Soft”
Vadim Pavlihin- coordinator of the video program (Museum of cinema) «Rival against machines»

Rasa&Raitis Smitz (Japan) - Net-radio- broadcasting (workshop)

main page | idea | structure | program | participants | registration | organizers | history
| info | education | technology
| cd-rom | net-art | exhibitions
Editor - Olga Goryunova, Web-Master - Igor Gerasimenko 
Author of the project - Alexei Isaev, curator - Olga Shishko, coordinator - Tatiana Gorucheva
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