your choice your choice
11-14 may | an open interactive video broadcasting will be organized on the site. Everybody is welcome!
RSHU - House of Russian Government

Sergey Teterin 
(1969) - lives and works in Perm.
He is now a collaborator of the
web-agency ISP "Raid-Internet" (Perm, Russia), net columnist and the author of artistic projects.
Studied medicine and philology in Perm. Since the year 1992 he is known as a poet and writer, with works published in anthologies and the press. During the years 1993-1996 worked on music radio stations as a copywriter, and then led the advertising campaigns for several companies and shops. Since 1995 to 1998 he published in newspapers some articles about the influence of advertising upon the mass and individual consciousness.
Since 1999 he is engaged in number of Internet projects.
Sergey Teterin is the author of the following artistic projects:
"The 21st century. Things long wished for", 1999-2000. 
"Virtual Philosopher Baltasar Gracianov", 1998-2000. 
"Rourkamans' sect", 1992.
"The Twins - an unknown Oracle in the City of Perm", 1997. 
"The exhibition "Visitor" in Marat Guelman's Gallery", 1999. 
Sergey Teterin is the author of the
mailing list - "Clever thoughts about the Internet"  on server "CityCat" (more than 4500 subscribers). He is a prizewinner in the international competitions "Da-Da-Net" (1999)  and "Teneta-Rinet" (1998). 
Presently collaborates with "Laboratory of new medias" in the Soros's center for contemporary arts in Moscow. He is the author of
Internet-review "New Internet Art - the review of new art projects in the net"  as well.

"The 21 century. Things long wished for"  
In November, 4, 1999, a special site for collecting messages on the topic “The 21 st century. Things long wished for” began its work in the Net. The messages are got from unlimited audience in two ways:
by filling in and submitting the form in the Net.
offline: by paging system, services offered by Perm company “STlink” (tel. +7 3422 668781, the subscriber “The 21 st century”).
The opportunity to send one’s “thing long wished for” was advertised over the city radio and on TV, and people willingly responded to the call. Thus, the necessary number of sayings was collected during two months.In December, 1999, a group of specially invited artists began its work based on the collected materials; their task was to visualize the human’s emotions, expectations, presentiments and hopes. As a result there were made some 20 art works (including two video-art films), which were represented as a united media-art exposition at the exhibition “Art - Perm - 2000” in January 2000. It took place at the largest exhibition center “Perm Fair” (“Permskaya Yarmarka”). 
Such Perm mass-media took part in the realization of the project as: “Raid-Internet”, “STlink” , TV channel “New Day” ( “Riphey-TV”) and “Radio Europe-Plus-Perm”.
For the realization of the common artistic task such modern communication technologies as telephone, paging, e-mail, Internet were used. A highly-technology-based chain of messages’ transmission and transformation was created for transference human wishes into the Internet
For the realization of the common artistic task such modern communication technologies as telephone, paging, e-mail, Internet were used. A highly-technology-based chain of messages’ transmission and transformation was created for transference human wishes into the Internet.1999 - January 2000) the messages were collected by pager (the subscriber “the 21st century”) - they informed what main desires people wished to realize in the coming century. The received messages were transformed into e-mail messages and were automatically published on a special site on the Net. Thus, the virtual chronicle of human wishes connected with the 21st century was and has been carried out. During the second period (14-23 of January, 2000) there was organized a united exposition at the exhibition “Art- Perm-2000”.
During the third period of the development of the project it is supposed to go outside of the Perm artistic situation and to adapt at a new place.
At the exhibition the main artistic objects appeared to be a telephone and a computer connected with the Internet. Every visitor could visit the site with published human wishes and at the same time he/she could send his/her own message using the telephone (or keyboards). Thus, a visitor of the exhibition became a partner of the artistic process, including him/herself into the modern scheme of interpersonal means of communication: “telephone - pager - e-mail - Internet”.
At the exhibition there also were represented works (pictures, photos, art-films, etc.) of the invited artists visualizing the main motives of the project: the human being as the crossing point of the modern means of communication, infinite transference of the things long wished for, secret and obvious presentiments connected with the coming new century. As the starting material there were used messages and emotions collected on the site during the first period.
The art-film “Kaleidoscope of Wishes” (lasting for 6 minutes) made by the Perm group of video-artists “The Broken Moon” turned out to be a real revelation.
The project “The 21st century. The things long wished for.” Remains actual during all the year 2000, that’s why we are going to show it some more times at the suitable exhibitions and friendly galleries. In each case (and in every city) there will be recreated the scheme of media interaction, giving an on-looker the possibility not only to watch the artistic results, but also to take part in the process (to send one’s own thing long wished for the 21st century).
The author has an intention to evoke in an on-looker an exciting feeling of being drawn into the modern processes of interpersonal communication, to achieve an effect giving you an impression of participation in some kind of a ritual (the transmission into the Internet his/her own wishes, the visit of the exhibition itself and the participating in the process). The futurological coloration of the artistic idea is emphasized as well - treatment of the 21st century as of a very close reality, which encourages you to reconsider your own strategies and to think about your future.
The accompanying artistic elements of the exposition (graphic arts, photos, video-art) are destined to step over the barriers between the new electronic technologies and the personal inner life, to demonstrate the humanness and urgency of such new forms of communication as Internet, pager, e-mail.
A person with all his/her wishes and expectations of the future is not alone in this world - but to show how exactly he/she is not alone on the verge of the 21st century is the aim of this project.

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Editor - Olga Goryunova, Web-Master - Igor Gerasimenko 
Author of the project - Alexei Isaev, curator - Olga Shishko, coordinator - Tatiana Gorucheva
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