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11-14 may | an open interactive video broadcasting will be organized on the site. Everybody is welcome!
RSHU - House of Russian Government

The Internet and Institutions
Curator - Nikolai Selivanov

The Internet and Institutions topic opens one of the most important directions in discussion on new position of culture, which is rather complicated and contradictory today. The question is about the time of information society cultural model formation. Structural organization of cultural and educational institutions that were formed hundred and even more years ago demonstrates its insolvency in actual problems of the new social and cultural model, and lacks changes. Educational machine produces specialists adequate merely to strict constructions and synonymous qualities. Expert institutions of art firmly stick to elite value systems formed according to the obsolete level of public consciousness. The Internet and media culture together with nationalization of information resources and shift of language models is catastrophic for them. It’s clear that the situation is temporary. That is the situation of a transition period. The main part of cultural, art and educational institutions are ready for changes. The ‘renovation’ process is much stimulated by the desire to stay actual. Those young and active people that have recently built their careers, and are specialized in a particular narrow field, which is not applicable now, keenly face the problem of preserving the actuality. The problem of formation of a new consciousness type adapted to rapid change of professional activity content and ready for interdisciplinary activity as well as for language (i.e. professional language) manipulations is seemed to be the key one for current educational structure and for creation of new educational models. And it’s obvious for creative education to lead in this process. The majority of humanitarian specialists have already understood that ‘modernization’ of an institution through introduction of new technologies is not effective. I hope we’ll get to know new ideas and conceptual creations that might allow discovering the principal difference between re-conceptualization of institutional structures and passive ‘modernization’. This issue is vital for museums engaged in conservation of works of art and other monuments of material culture. Interpretation of museum collection for the Internet becomes a key instrumental method to re-comprehend the museum model. These innovative tasks are practically solved by media and data centers of museums and universities and new educational structures. Virtual institutions performing as net interdisciplinary communities and subject servers realizing various projects create absolutely new and effective models. We’re looking for demonstration of new instrumental approaches, new methods and critical ideas from specialists and creators of such institutions. Though it might sound like a paradox, the update situation in Russian culture as well as in the world culture depends on our conscientiousness, ethic competence and efficiency. Let me invite all participants of the symposium for a deep and sincere dialogue.

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Editor - Olga Goryunova, Web-Master - Igor Gerasimenko 
Author of the project - Alexei Isaev, curator - Olga Shishko, coordinator - Tatiana Gorucheva
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