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11-14 may | an open interactive video broadcasting will be organized on the site. Everybody is welcome!
RSHU - House of Russian Government

State, Information, Internet
Moderator - Ivan Zassursky

The Net has become the most vital phenomenon of the XX-XXI century edge. It is developed through numerous varied resources available online. In this regard, even in the most closed political system, the Internet always acts as an important public forum that determines impossibility of abolishing democracy (at least, without fighting). Thus, today in Russia, the Net bears an additional significance as a ‘democracy incubator’. And it’s interesting whether the officials share this point of view.
What kind of regulating models are carried out on the Internet today, and whether it is planned to regulate the Net in principal? If the answer is positive, what measures, except repressive, might be taken by state authorities to bit the desirable target, and what are the results they would like to gain. The latter remark is a question as well.
Whether the power representatives could share the point that, in contemporary society, access to the Net might be regarded a human right.
The state has particular interests protected by secret service and law enforcement bodies. Secret service creates a specialized infrastructure for its activities that is usually reciprocated by waves of protest. However, it’s only one part’s voice that is heard in these protests. We obviously lack information on real situation. It might have happened because the FAPSI (electronic communication shadowing system) representatives didn’t have an opportunity to specify the meaning, system of functioning and operation scope of the SORM type systems, as well as to formulate its attitude to e-mail coding systems, etc. All these questions need discussing. And we must evade the conflict based on misunderstanding and obtain clearance in disparity questions.
The Net provides the state power with additional opportunities for communication with the citizens, and for constructing the principally new system of relations with them. Whether these opportunities could be demanded, and what do what’s going on in this sphere for the moment?
In the current situation of global social transformation, these tendencies evoke special interest since they give way to watch the appearance of new modes of work organizing, communication and identification typical for post-industrial society. In case automation puts an end to many jobs, development of the post-industrial sector acquires a particular significance. And it’s vital to achieve new strategic priorities in development, and their public comprehension, beginning with the Russian government representatives. It’s merely opinion sharing on social development perspectives and gaining a better comprehension of real processes that might draw together points of view of statesmen and Internet users.
It’s important to underline that the round table discussion will take place less than a week before the official Duma (Russian parliament) debating of the Internet regulating bill. So, from this point of view, this panel of the symposium might be regarded a sort of rehearsal of the Duma debates, though with a different cast, of course. It’s also worth noting that the context of discussion will be internationally extended due to participation of foreign guests.
Representatives of the Russian Government, the State Duma, Net community, as well as experts of the Council of Europe will make reports that will be followed by a discussion welcoming all those that would like to take part. The event will be broadcasted through the Net.

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Editor - Olga Goryunova, Web-Master - Igor Gerasimenko 
Author of the project - Alexei Isaev, curator - Olga Shishko, coordinator - Tatiana Gorucheva
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